What Is Invasion Mean - 2 Objective of the lesson: To understand what is about in the poem 'Pushtimi' by Çoman Hardi. Analyze how the poet used language and structure to convey thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

3 Where is Kurdistan? Kurdistan is an area in the Middle East, inhabited mainly by Kurds. Kurdistan covers parts of Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Georgia and Syria. Kurdistan's borders are difficult to define because none of the states in question recognize Kurdistan as a demographic or geographic region.

What Is Invasion Mean

What Is Invasion Mean

4 Before World War I, most Kurds lived within the borders of the Ottoman Empire. After the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the Allies established several countries within its former borders. Initially, Kurdistan, together with Armenia, was supposed to be one of them. However, the territory was returned to Turkey. Since then, the Kurds have been divided between several states, in each of which they are a minority. Many Kurds have campaigned for independence or autonomy since then, but there is no support from any of the regional governments or outside powers for changes to regional borders.

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5 Choman Hardi Born in Iraqi-controlled Kurdistan in 1974 - the year negotiations broke off with the Baathist government. The Kurds fought for independence for a long time, but when the revolution was crushed, many fled to neighboring Iran. Handi said: "My childhood, like many of my generation, is full of the sound of sirens, planes and guns. Our days were dominated by the Iraq-Iran war and our nights by the war in Iraq against the Kurdish peshmerga (independence fighters)."

6 The Invasion, Choman Hardi Soon they will come. First we will hear the sound of their boots approaching at dawn, then they will appear through the mist. In their death uniforms, they will march towards our homes with their guns and tanks pointing ahead. They will face young men with rusty weapons and boiling blood. These are our young people who took their short-lived freedom for granted.

7 We will lose this war, blood will cover our streets, mix with our drinking water, creep into our dreams. Keep your heads down and stay at the doors - We lost this war before it started.

Who are "them" and "us"? Why are pronouns used so often? Which images are the most striking? Where are past, present and future tenses used? Why?

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To understand what the poem 'Conquest' by Çoman Hardi is about. Analyze how the poet used language and structure to convey thoughts, feelings, and ideas. In your own words, answer the following questions: What is 'Conquest' about? How do language and structure contribute to meaning?

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